We won't buy that, we have it at home
The value of a commodity can vary greatly from person to person; what may seem common to one individual could be a unique specialty to someone else. How are you evaluating this important distinction?
馃殌 Eccentric Explorations: Dive into the depths of human curiosity with our deep dives into offbeat topics, obscure trivia, and fascinating oddities. You'll come away with a newfound appreciation for our wonderfully weird world.
The value of a commodity can vary greatly from person to person; what may seem common to one individual could be a unique specialty to someone else. How are you evaluating this important distinction?
Usually, I am the jerk, sometimes the liar. Which one are you?
Triggered not due to the caffeine In some management courses today, I found Steve Ballmer鈥檚 time as CEO of
Investing in experiences is often touted as the key to finding happiness, while material possessions are seen as less fulfilling. I disagree.
Do we fear missing out completely? Or is there a better option? Can we "go with the flow"? What if we don't want to do anything?
鈥淭ell me how you measure me and I will tell you how I will behave. If you measure me in
I became better at connecting with people, and something unique happened: I enjoy small talk more and more. It is an art that needs to be improved, and I try to show you how.
What to do with a gift you can't return? Feedback is one example, and today, I explore why we receive lousy feedback and how to salvage some parts of it.
See how to turn advice to actionable results. One rule at a time.
I enjoy traveling. It is a great way to discover incredible sights, excellent music, unique smells, and exceptional food and
Most people are bad at programming. Most people that are good at programming are very busy. They are not usually
You are so lucky!! - Yes, I've been working on this since I was a child. Beginner'